The Dark Side of  Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) – A Disorder That Can Ruin One’s Mental Well-being 

The Dark Side of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) | Healthcare 360 Magazine

You might have heard about Adolf Hitler. Even today, we get jitters while talking about him and how he ruled Germany. He was one of the most ruthless, dangerous, controlling, murderous narcissists in the history of all times. It’s not only him but like him, many top personalities and people suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Around 0.5% to 1% of the general population suffer from this disorder. Let’s explore a bit more about the disorder.


The Dark Side of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) | Healthcare 360 Magazine

The term ‘Narcissism’ refers to people who are obsessed with themselves. They only care about their needs, which can cost the people living with them. ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’ is developed from the word Narcissism. People suffering from it believe they are special and associate with high-status people. They don’t have empathy or sympathy towards others and are involved in their thoughts of ultimate success, power, intelligence, and beauty.

Let’s dig deeper and understand Narcissistic Personality Disorder traits, NPD traits in Women vs. men, and its treatment.

NPD Traits:

Everyone has a little bit of narcissistic traits in them, and we use the word ‘Narcissism‘ on any person who is trying to control us or is being rude to us. Hence, the people who suffer from this get masked. Let’s understand some traits of NPD. If you notice a loved one displaying these signs, take them to a medical consultant in the early stages.

1. Everything is only about themselves: A grandiose sense of self-importance.

When you talk to a narcissist, you may often feel they are boasting about their achievements. They will listen to your achievements but will include them in every conversation. 

2. Being Superior to all

For instance, if you feel your boss doesn’t listen to your ideas and subtly ensures the project works according to his ideas. Here is where you should understand he is trying to be superior to you and will constantly keep doing the same. Any person suffering from NPD has overblown confidence and tries to control others. 

3. Trying to be admired by everybody and can’t handle criticism

A person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) manipulates situations to receive praise from everyone. They are not adjusting toward constructive criticism and feel demotivated quickly, and they can cause harm to themselves and others. 

4. Constantly Blaming and never apologizing.

When your friend or someone close to you is constantly blaming you when anything goes wrong, they might be suffering from NPD. They don’t possess the quality of accepting their mistakes if they have done anything. 

5. Disregard for others and conditional generosity

They cannot feel for others or understand others’ pain, as they selfishly use people only for their means. They act generously only to people who are useful to them. 

People who suffer from all these Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits face a lot of difficulties in their school, workplaces, and relationships and often start suffering from depression/anxiety, get suicidal thoughts, and can also start consuming drugs or alcohol.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits in Women Vs. Men

The Dark Side of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) | Healthcare 360 Magazine

Do you know? 75% of the population diagnosed with NPD are men. Let’s understand how traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in women are different in men.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder in men Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Women
Men portray grandiose narcissism, which means they show their dominance, assertiveness, and superiority over others. Women portray vulnerable narcissism, which means they show more insecurity, emotional fragility, and low self-esteem.
When they suffer from NPD, they show aggression, engage in spreading rumors, and manipulate others emotionally.  2.  When they suffer from NPD, they become more dangerous and violent than men. It is also seen that women who suffer from vulnerable narcissism display more psychological, physical and sexual violence. 

In a research done with 328 adults, it was shown that men scored higher in grandiose narcissism than vulnerable narcissism. Narcissism affects both genders, but the traits differ in which they exert power in their relationships.


Is NPD curable? The one suffering from it might go through many challenges, but it’s not impossible. According to psychologists, here are some treatments that an NPD patient can take to build healthier relationships. 

1. Self-Awareness

Before seeking treatment, a narcissist should acknowledge that they are suffering from this disorder and can start seeking professional help. 

2. Therapy Frequency and Cost

Effective and long-term therapy sessions help people to deal with this disorder more easily. These sessions should be attended regularly for faster results in your behavioral changes.

3. Behavioural Management over Logic

Narcissists may not change their thought processes but can adjust their actions during important times in their lives so that they can prevent themselves from harming others. 

4. Understanding Root Causes

The Dark Side of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) | Healthcare 360 Magazine

Narcissistic Personality Disorder traits are built up in a person due to their past experiences, tough childhood experiences, traumas, neglect, and overindulgence of drugs or alcohol. Therapists can recognize the root cause easily and give solutions for the same. This will help the patient recover quickly from this disorder.

5. Challenges in Professional and Societal Context

Many people suffering from NPD may enjoy professional success, which can make it difficult for them to adapt to new changes or embrace new opinions from incoming individuals.

Final Thoughts

We hope you have got some valuable information about NPD, traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Women, and its treatments. It is important for people suffering from this to take therapy sessions to keep themselves and their loved one’s mental well-being.

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