CEMPIA- Transforming The Healthcare Sector

CEMPIA- Transforming The Healthcare Sector | Healthcare 360 Magazine

Our lives are now dominated by technology. It is a fantastic addition to human intellect, allowing you to utilise the knowledge you already have more effectively. Technology has the power to improve healthcare’s efficiency, security, and standard of care.

Mr. Anupam Chatterjee, founder and CEO of CEMPIA, is a visionary who is passionate about cutting-edge technology and is bringing about revolutionary advances in the healthcare sector with the assistance of his tremendously efficient employees.

CEMPIA stands for Customers Experience Management Platforms for Insights and Actions. CEMPIA is a multi-channel, multi-lingual, digital patient experience management platform that aims to understand patient experience at all hospital touchpoints.

Talking with Mr. Anupam will allow you to learn more about his company’s vast digital offerings and business trajectory.

What spurred you to create the company? Please provide a CEMPIA primer for us.

I was employed by a corporation till 2008. In order to fast move up the corporate ladder, I decided to pursue my MBA at MIT Sloan and HEC Paris. This encounter changed my life since it motivated me to create things, influence the future, make jobs, give back to society, and better the environment. When I first started working after receiving my MBA, I joined teams focused on business innovation and capability creation, and I soon started winning entrepreneurship competitions. This capacity for creativity and excellence in business-related matters inspired me to start TheDecisionLabs in 2014.

If a man lacks the guts to lose sight of the coast, he will never be able to explore new oceans.

Antoine Gide

TheDecisionLabs is a production company with a focus on customer experience management. The three products we now offer are CEMPIA, Liveserviz, and KlikHelp.

What challenges did you first face?

Since we initially established ourselves in India, where customer experience has a particularly good reputation, we work in this field. An air hostess, a receptionist, a call from the contact centre, or a guest relations agent in a hotel lobby are frequently mentioned while discussing the customer experience in India. We seldom ever think about enhancing client experience with an analytics embedded platform. So creating a category and increasing awareness of product-based CX are rewarding and difficult jobs.

What happened and when did it cause the company to grow?

Following the launch of TheDecisionLabs in October 2014, we saw growth in late 2015 and early 2017, and in 2017 we had our first breakthrough in Malaysia, which is when CEMPIA started to grow and go global. As our horizons expanded, we started producing high-caliber products for the global market.

How has the CEMPIA graph changed over time? Could you give us any data?

From a modest setup in a garage in Indiranagar, Bangalore, to growing operations outside of India and having 9 international partners with product deployments in six countries, TheDecisionLabs has come a long way in the preceding six years.

Although the company’s flagship product, CEMPIA, focuses on patient experience management, the hospitality, banking, retail, etc., and other sectors are currently paying a lot of attention to us. Thanks to the launch of COVID, we are now focusing on remote service management with Liveserviz and a real-time automated help system called KlikHelp. As a result, we are growing both our product offering and our geographic and industry reach.

What factors contribute to your company’s ongoing success?

I believe there are two major reasons why we have been successful over the past six years.

  • Obsession with our clients, striving to make sure they are successful
  • Constant innovation to meet market demands and the latest technological advancements

What products and services is CEMPIA putting first? What distinguishes your services from those provided by rivals?

CEMPIA (cempia.com) is an acronym for Customers Experience Management Platforms for Insights and Actions. CEMPIA is a multi-channel, multi-lingual, digital patient experience management platform that aims to understand patient experience at all hospital touchpoints. Operational analysis, worker gratitude, and customer insight are further beneficial CEMPIA applications. CEMPIA gathers feedback, suggestions, and complaints from patients through a variety of applications and responds to any problems immediately.

To understand patient experience at all hospital touchpoints, CEMPIA is a multi-channel, multi-lingual, digital patient experience management platform.

  • Liveserviz is a platform for managing customer service experiences that comes with detailed analytics (liveserviz.com). Customers can quickly interact with service providers and get help in real-time using a variety of digital platforms.
  • The website KlikHelp KlikHelp is a conversational AI-based communication experience management tool made to facilitate better client-business communication.

Customers can get in touch with their service providers whenever, wherever, and however they want thanks to KlikHelp.

How did you decide to increase the scope of your products and services offered through CEMPIA?

How up-to-date a tech startup is with respect to new technologies and market demands determines the next stage of the product evolution.

Exist any brand-new products or services on the list? Do you have a story to tell that is exciting?

After COVID, the entire world will alter, especially how individuals interact with one another. We recently debuted Liveserviz and are nearing completion on KlikHelp in order to meet the expectations of the new world.

The new world will be characterised by self-service, digital communication, social isolation, remote connections, and a significant amount of automated processes. The new world is being built with the help of Liveserviz and KlikHelp, who are also enhancing its comfort and accessibility.

What duties do you consider an entrepreneur to have?

Three crucial traits help an entrepreneur avoid responsibilities.

  • Choosing the best employees and inspiring them
  • Always keep the organization’s objectives and values front and centre.
  • To keep the engine running, make sure there is always money in the bank.

Please give us a quick rundown of your work history.

I spent around ten years working for a company. It took ten years to go from Fortune 500 companies to Silicon Valley-funded enterprises. As VP and Lead Consultant in my former employment, I was in charge of WNS Global Services’ capacity generation division. Academically, I have an MS from the Indian Statistical Institute and an MBA from Harvard Business School with a concentration in Global Strategy Management from HEC Paris and MIT Sloan (IEP), made possible by MIT-Harvard cross-registration. running TheDecisionLabs for the past six years as an entrepreneur.

What have been the highlights of your entrepreneurial journey?

I’ve had the wonderful fortune to win various awards and recognition on a global level throughout my entrepreneurial journey. I’ve been asked to speak at events, and various foreign periodicals have featured me. The Thai government invited him to speak at Start-up Thailand, he finished second in the DEXIC European Innovation Challenge, and upon his return to India, CII recognised him with the award for the most innovative patient experience management programme.

My team, my fantastic mentors and advisers, my family’s support, and other elements all had a part in my success.

How do you look after your employees? What sets your team apart?

I try to recruit the best fitness professionals who are motivated and put the needs of their clients before their own financial interests. I make sure they have the flexibility to think freely and display their talent while also constantly presenting them with difficulties. Even if we are just getting started, it is critical to provide them a sense of financial security. Additionally, as a way of saying thanks for joining the TheDecisionLabs family, we send gifts to every team member each year.

Do you want to share a special client experience with us?

Over time, many of my clients have come to feel like my extended family, and I always try to make things better for them. The client has often been honest with us about their issues and how we might assist them; this level of trust and teamwork is what makes the journey rewarding. Most of the time, we work together to improve our planet and our results.

Which company’s success story most motivates you?

I admire originality. when you create something new and make the world a better place. Ritesh Agarwal from OYO has recently inspired me much. He created a fantastic business plan and executed it brilliantly.

Continuous vigilance: A requirement or a strategy? Please share your thoughts.

In order to attain equilibrium, which is the optimal blend, it’s akin to flying a kite in that you sometimes let it float and other times you make a few threads tug.

There is an ongoing rat race. What are you doing about that?

My trip to Rishikesh in December of last year had a significant influence on me. I don’t compare myself to other people. I’m not in a race; I’m on a journey, and when I meet individuals and engage in conversations with them, I’m slowly but surely moving in the correct direction.

Entrepreneur and CEO Anupam Chatterjee

Anupam is the founder and CEO of TheDecisionLabs. Anupam has more than 16 years of experience in the areas of analytics, product development, and new business innovation. Anupam is the boss of a group of exceptionally gifted people who work in the fields of analytics, technology, big data, social, mobile, cloud, and consulting. He has an MBA from HEC Paris and MIT Sloan (IEP), an MS in quantitative economics from the Indian Statistical Institute, and a strategy specialisation from Harvard Business School. They have created a number of analytics products for customer experience management using sophisticated analytics. The Decision Labs (CEMPIA) is creating cutting-edge experiences with in-depth analytics and action workflows while collaborating with the leading hospitals.

Due to his continued work in the healthcare industry over the past six years in numerous Asian countries, Anupam has been invited to attend the Senior Executive Fellows programme at the esteemed Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Few Indians have ever earned this accolade, which serves as an illustration of a viable, successful bootstrapped business that has affected millions of lives.

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