New Studies Reveal Weight Loss Isn’t Just About Diet and Exercise

New Weight Loss Studies: Isn't Only About Diet and Exercise | Healthcare 360 Magazine

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For years, the common advice for weight loss has been to “eat less and move more.” However, new weight loss studies is turning that idea on its head. According to Dr. Whit Roberts of Health Utah, this simplistic approach overlooks critical scientific discoveries that challenge conventional wisdom about weight loss. Three recent weight loss studies indicate that it is influenced by far more than just diet and activity. From chronobiology to gut health and even misconceptions about certain foods, Roberts explains the real factors that could be affecting your weight loss journey.

The Power of Chronobiology and Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in recent years, but what most people don’t know is that the timing of your meals matters just as much as the duration of your fast. This is where chronobiology—the study of how the rhythms of the sun and moon affect our bodies—comes into play.

Roberts highlights that when you eat can have a profound effect on your metabolism. “Calories consumed in the morning are treated differently by the body than calories eaten at night,” he explains. In the morning, your body converts food to glycogen, a short-term energy storage molecule, burning fat in the process. But in the evening, the body is winding down for sleep, storing calories as fat instead of burning them. “Skipping dinner is far more effective for weight loss than skipping breakfast,” Roberts says. This insight, based on Nobel Prize-winning research, shows that fasting in the evening can result in more significant weight loss than fasting in the morning.

  • The world’s biggest intermittent fasting study – what we learned | Prof. Tim Spector & Gin Stephens

Gut Health: The Role of Bacteria in Weight Gain

Another surprising factor in weight gain is gut bacteria. Roberts shares the story of one of his patients, Tory, a 43-year-old woman who gained 40 pounds in just six months despite dieting and exercising. She had even worked with a personal trainer and had her hormones tested, all to no avail. What Tory didn’t know was that her weight gain was linked to two courses of antibiotics she had taken for a sinus infection.

Antibiotics can wipe out both good and bad bacteria in the gut, and when Tory’s gut flora started to regrow, the bad bacteria took over. These harmful bacteria thrived on sugar, leading to rapid weight gain. Once Roberts identified the issue, Tory underwent a treatment plan to restore her gut health. The results were astonishing—she lost 45 pounds and experienced increased energy and reduced anxiety. This case highlights the importance of gut health in weight management and how bad bacteria can sabotage even the best weight-loss efforts.

The Truth About Chicken and Weight Gain

One of the most surprising findings Roberts shares is that chicken, often considered a healthy, diet-friendly food, can actually contribute to weight gain. Studies have shown that eating just one chicken breast every 10 days can cause significant weight gain. This goes against popular belief, as chicken is often a staple in many diet plans.

Roberts explains that much of the information about “healthy” foods is influenced by industry propaganda, making it difficult for people to make informed choices. Chicken, for example, has been marketed as a lean, low-fat option, but studies suggest that it may be more fattening than beef in certain circumstances.

Beyond Diet and Exercise: A Holistic Approach

Roberts emphasizes that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In addition to chronobiology, gut health, and food choices, many other factors can make weight loss challenging. Toxins, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, allergies, and even emotional issues can all play a role. “Testing is the key to discovering if there are potential underlying issues making your weight loss efforts so difficult,” says Roberts.

At Health Utah, Roberts and his team provide same-day testing to uncover the root causes of weight gain and offer personalized weight loss plans. Their evidence-based protocols address a wide range of factors that could be affecting your body’s ability to lose weight.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re struggling with weight loss despite your best efforts, it may be time to look beyond diet and exercise. Health Utah offers consultations that include same-day testing to help identify hidden factors preventing weight loss. Mention this article when scheduling your consultation and receive a second appointment for no additional cost.

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