Understanding the Number of Calories in an Apple. Will it Impact our health?        

Calories in an Apple: A Nutritional Breakdown & Health Impact | Healthcare 360 Magazine

As it is rightly said ‘Count your calories like you count your blessings; both are vital to a well-balanced life’. When it comes to healthy eating, making the right food choices is very important. Apple is one of the most common fruits eaten because it contains more calories in an apple, its natural sweetness and nutritional content keep one healthy and fit. But have you ever tried to check or find out the calories present in these fruits? If not then this blog is for you. In this blog, we will find out the calories in an apple, its benefits, and how they fit into a balanced diet. 

How Many Calories Are in an Apple

The calories in an apple vary a lot depending on the size, location, and varieties of apples, here is a small breakdown of calories in an apple depending on the size.

Size WeightsCalories present 
Small-sized apple100 – 130 gms50 – 80 calories
Medium-sized apple  150 – 180 gms 80 – 100 calories
Large-sized apple200 – 250 gms110 – 120 calories

As compared to other fruits apples are considered a fruit having low calories, this also makes it one of the healthiest fruits. The calories provide us with energy for daily activities, and knowing the calories in any fruit or food substance is crucial to preventing obesity and any other kinds of diseases. 

Nutrition Content Present in an Apple

Calories in an Apple: A Nutritional Breakdown & Health Impact | Healthcare 360 Magazine

Apples are a fruit full of nutrition that provides us with several benefits and protects us from different diseases. Let’s see the table of the nutritional content an apple contains of different sizes and their benefits in this section

Nutritional Content is Small-sized Apples

In the below table, you can see the nutritional components present in the small-sized, medium-sized, and large-sized apples. The calories in an apple are not mentioned as it is already mentioned in the above section. 

Nutritional ComponentSmall-sized Apple (100-130 g or mg)Medium-sized (150-180 g or mg)Large-sized apple (200-250 g or mg)
Carbohydrates14-19 g21-26 g28-35 g
Sugars10 – 13 g15-19 g20-25 g
Fiber2.5-3.5 g3.5-4.5 g4.5-6 g
Protein0.3 g0.5 g0.6 g
Fat0.2 g0.3 g0.4 g
Vitamin C4-7 mg6-10 mg8-13 mg
Potassium107-150 mg160-200 mg215-275 mg

The nutritional content present in this fruit protects us from several diseases, here is a list for the same. 

Calories in an Apple: A Nutritional Breakdown & Health Impact | Healthcare 360 Magazine
  • Heart Disease: Fiber and potassium help to maintain a healthy heart and keep the cholesterol and blood pressure at low levels.
  • Digestive issues: By eating this fruit every day it will prevent constipation and maintain your overall digestive system. 
  • Diabetes: Apples help regulate blood sugar levels, and prevent you from suffering from type 2 diabetes. 
  • Obesity: The calories in an apple are low but the high amount of fiber content helps in weight management and other obesity-related conditions
  • Immune System Support: Vitamin C, potassium, and protein present in this fruit help us to reduce the risk of infection and other chronic diseases. 

Adding apples to our diet will help maintain our health and will protect us against a variety of chronic diseases. 

How to include apples in our diet

Calories in an Apple: A Nutritional Breakdown & Health Impact | Healthcare 360 Magazine
  • As a Snack:  You can just wash an apple and have it or slice it and have it. 
  • Eat it as breakfast: Chop the apples and add them to the oatmeal or drink it in a smoothie. 
  • In salads: Take a bowl and add some greens, nuts, cheese, and some diced apples, mix it well and enjoy your salad. 
  • Savory Dishes: Cook the apples with chicken breasts to get a sweet and savory dish. 
  • Cookies & Muffins: Chop the apples and add them to the muffins and cookies before baking them, and later on you can use them as your toppings. 
  • Desserts: You can make a fruit salad including lots of apple cubes, and eat or serve with ice cream. You can make an apple sauce and drizzle it over salads, icecreams or any savory or sweet dishes you want. 

Using this fruit in your diet can help you to get all the nutritional benefits and help you to enjoy the food dishes. 

Final Thoughts

Apples are a fruit full of nutrients and low-calorie fruit which can be a valuable part of a balanced diet. The nutrients present in the fruit help to prevent us from any kind of diseases and maintain our overall health. It is a delicious fruit that can fulfill your sweet cravings without disturbing your dietary goals. The calories in an apple mentioned in this blog may vary a little bit depending upon the type of apple, size, and the location where it is grown.  

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