Ulatus- Language Solution Pioneer

Ulatus- Language Solution Pioneer | Healthcare 360 Magazine

What is a linguistic solution? Yes, the language we speak is very well suited to us, yet speaking is only one aspect of a language. There are many different dialects and varieties of language. Because not everyone speaks English or another language natively, language solutions are required. In this aspect, Shilpa Mittal is a trailblazer.

Crimson Interactive is a forerunner and an international authority in the field of multiple language solutions. Its services have helped over 2 million authors and clients in 125 countries achieve excellent communication results. Shilpa Mittal, who oversees the translation department, may provide further information about what Crimson Interactive does.

Tell us about Crimson Interactive.

Crimson Interactive provides industry-leading language solutions. It assists writers and academics from all around the world in having their work published in esteemed, international journals. With each trip, success, and adventure, Crimson Interactive has soared to new heights and grown stronger. With clients in 125 different countries, superior quality delivery, and innovation at its disposal, Crimson Interactive is well-equipped. We take pride in the solid bonds we have maintained with many of our customers, including Panasonic, MIT, Netflix, and American Express. Crimson Interactive’s headquarters are in Mumbai, and it also has offices there as well as in China, Korea, Japan, and the US.

Three of Crimson Interactive’s major brands, Enago (English editing), Ulatus (lingual translation), and Voxtab (transcription), operate to offer authors specialised language solutions. Ulatus is the leading provider of translation and localization services both internationally and in India. It has been acknowledged as one of the top 10 suppliers of pharma and life science technology solutions and one of the top 75 providers of translation services globally. Authors and academics with translation demands are able to reach a global audience and offer localization for specific markets.

Could you briefly describe your professional background for us?

Because I am a Chartered Accountant with an All-India Rank, I was able to secure fantastic career opportunities at prominent financial institutions like Citibank, HSBC, and Morgan Stanley. I have worked on treasury teams and conducted research on stocks. Ulatus followed, and ever since I’ve been focusing on growing our brand.

What inspired you to start this company?

I’ve always been incredibly ambitious and determined to disprove stereotypes and establish a niche for herself in even the most challenging situations. My choice to seek a profession in finance, which at the time was only open to men, was the catalyst for the entire situation.

I tried to excel and advance there despite the fact that men predominate in the finance industry, and I’m delighted to announce that I was successful in doing so.

But I knew that my goals extended beyond simply following directions and adapting to other people’s viewpoints; I wanted to start and run my own company. Ulatus came into being in this way. I was largely inspired to start my business in this field by the challenges it faces.

What challenges did you initially encounter?

It takes a lot of effort to even be identified as a brand in the translation industry given the magnitude of the market. Because there is fierce competition in this industry and survival depends on being distinct and specialist, we started by establishing ourselves as experts in providing language solutions, particularly for Asian languages. This industry’s ongoing shift from one language to another and from one service to another creates extra challenges in terms of translation, localization, technical advancements, etc.

Technology is constantly progressing. Therefore, Crimson Interactive must likewise keep enhancing the services we offer to customers. Continuous market research and innovation are required for this. Early in our story, we had the problem of developing a personnel capable of attending to varied and unique client needs, and we successfully conquered it. Ulatus’ devoted and knowledgeable team are to be praised for the company’s current performance.

What was the tipping point that caused the business to grow?

Crimson Interactive has been successful in gaining the confidence of many clients because to our excellent quality and service delivery. The value of customer experience and satisfaction cannot be overstated, and I am convinced that each and every one of our clients has contributed to our success. But if I had to name one specific event that accelerated our growth and success in becoming known as the top translation brand, it would have been the beginning of some significant business relationships with leading pharmaceutical companies and the launch of Crimson Interactive’s localization services.

A female business professional. How difficult was it to fight prejudice?

Just as difficult as you can expect. Stereotypes permeated every aspect of the finance business from the moment I started working there. I was the only woman and Chartered Accountant with All-India Rank in my company, which had 50 men. At prominent financial institutions like Citibank, HSBC, and Morgan Stanley, professional opportunities and the highest levels of achievement were only possible by pushing past preconceived assumptions, defying the odds, and swimming against the river.

This experience has just made me more determined to start my own business and show that women can run successful businesses. The fact that businesswomen are rare and typically less influential than businessmen inspired me to change this. I wanted to succeed, and I did, whether it meant fighting preconceived preconceptions or managing my personal and professional duties.

Do you think the paradigm shifts when a woman oversees business operations?

I don’t think a man’s or a woman’s thought process differs while managing a company. Women are emotional, as is well known, but businesswomen are fierce! Since both scenarios employ identical tactics, neither, in my opinion, represents a less skilled entrepreneur than the other.

What notable achievements in your business career can you mention?

I’m pleased to state that Ulatus has a talented group of professionals who are all devoted to seeing the business grow. Today, Ulatus is the leading translation company in India and a well-known brand on a global scale. I’m happy of the expansion Ulatus has undergone, and it’s made me feel especially content and appreciative of my journey.

In addition, as a result of other milestones Ulatus has reached, I have won prizes for being the best female entrepreneur in India in 2017 and the best female entrepreneur in the United States in 2018, as well as being named one of Aspioneer’s top 10 influential female CEOs outside of the corporate world for 2018.

What products or services is the company focusing on? What distinguishes your services from those provided by rivals?

Crimson Interactive helps authors get their research accepted by international peer-reviewed journals by offering language services in more than 50 different languages. We also help companies communicate with their clients in the language that they are most comfortable with. Crimson Interactive helps Life Sciences with localization and facilitates in the launch of new drugs into worldwide markets through clinical trial translations. Additionally, Crimson Interactive offers CROs, pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotech companies language validation and regulatory submission translation services. Website localization, book translations, game translations, app localization, finance localization, and software localization make up a sizable component of our offerings.

How do you intend to improve the company’s selection of products and services?

Constant innovation and adaptation are crucial! This must be strongly tied to the discrepancy between market supply and demand. Since my team is my best asset, I must take care to keep them up to date on what is needed and new in the industry so they may offer suggestions and comments based on their actual experience.

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