Zenex International- The Link Between Hospitals and Physicists

Zenex International- The Link Between Hospitals and Physicists | Healthcare 360 Magazine

Zenex International is a specialty pharmaceutical stockist, distributor, and retailer with its headquarters in Bangalore, India. They specialized in a wide range of specialist medications, such as those used for anti-infectives, anesthesia, vaccines/immunoglobulins, cardiology, opioids, schedule-X, nephrology, antidotes, oxytocin, parenteral nutrition, critical care, CNS, nuclear medicine, and other illnesses.

Zenex International is a vital link between respectable companies and super-specialty hospitals. They serve over 3000 clients, including nursing homes, hospitals, government hospitals, doctors, and patients, and they cover every neighborhood in Bangalore.

In our conversation with Mr. V.V. Mannapur, Owner of Zenex International, we discussed the status of the market at the moment and how Zenex International is supporting the industry with its excellent solutions.

What inspired you to create Zenex International? Tell us a little about Zenex International.

I hail from a business family and I graduated from pharmacy school. I wanted to provide something special to the pharmaceutical distribution industry by utilising my knowledge and talents. My friend and I used to advertise imported drugs when we initially got going. I intentionally chose pharmacy over the other healthcare areas since so many people rely on drugs to make them feel better.

Pharmacists could help patients use their pharmaceutical medication to its fullest potential to improve their health. Pharmacists are crucial for assisting patients in feeling better and recovering as rapidly as feasible. Patients gain the most from having chemists on their healthcare teams because they are the foremost authorities on drugs. Pharmacists must be culturally competent healthcare professionals who can successfully communicate in order to examine the many factors that affect a patient’s ability to take medication, such as nutrition, lifestyle, transportation, language barriers, and much more.

The need for pharmacy services is ongoing and is fueled by a variety of factors, including an increase in geriatric patients (older patients typically have more chronic illnesses), an increase in the number of prescriptions filled annually, an increase in the number of medicines on the market, and an increase in the demand for patient services.

What challenges did you first face?

Initially, when our company got started. We didn’t have many customers, and we didn’t have a lot of goods to sell either. Very few personnel and very little working capital were present. These are some of the challenges I encountered.

What was the pivotal event that prompted Zenex International’s growth?

Knowledge and service are the two primary factors in the growth of the company. We have moved closer to solving these issues by giving clinicians more comprehensive information about imported drugs. We also researched the quickest way to administer life-saving drugs.

How have the graphs produced by Zenex International changed since the company was founded? Could you give us any data?

For the first five years, we only had one company, but towards the end of those five years, we had connections with about 20 authorised companies. Zenex International boosted their monthly earnings from 2.5 lakhs to 25 lakhs over this period. In the five years that followed, Zenex International underwent a legal transformation to become an independent proprietorship, significantly growing its clientele of specialised medical practitioners, bringing on a super stockist, and gaining the capacity to provide services over the entire state of Karnataka.

The third five years saw us collaborating with a super-specialty company that developed nuclear medicine and catered to Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. After being pleased with our service, authorised national and international businesses asked us to collaborate with them.

We have worked with 60 approved companies over the last five years. We now provide the bulk of specialty injectable anaesthetic, anti-infective, and biotechnology goods, such as vaccines, human albumins, hormones, antidotes, and immunoglobulins.

Why has Zenex International been so successful for so long?

Fundamentals upheld by Zenex International include strict service requirements, unyielding moral standards, and dedication to the task at hand. Thanks to carefully thought out market research, advertising, the marketing of unique, innovative products, a dedicated, trained team to meet timely supply, the growth of strong customer relationships, and an awareness of the competition, we were able to maintain a consistent business for the longest period of time.

What types of products and services does Zenex International focus on? What distinguishes your services from those provided by rivals?

Our product selection is highly specialist.

  • injectable anti-infective
  • prominent brands of oxytocin antidotes,
  • narcotic (excise) pharmaceuticals,
  • hormones,
  • immunoglobulins, and vaccinations, as well as
  • Covid treatments for nephrology and cardiology

The aforementioned goods are all easily accessible in one place and are sold under several labels. We stand apart from rivals thanks to the services we provide and the products we sell. Zenex International sells 80% of the pharmaceuticals on the list of necessary medications. We regularly add new products to each product area, such as all three of the leading oxytocin brands.

A wide range of pharmaceutical products from reliable producers, with dependable delivery, reasonable costs, and a productive supply chain network Reputable brand, additional convenience, and services. Zenex International provides independent customs services. We have a special procedure in place for deliveries that are urgent.

How do you decide to enhance the products and services offered by Zenex International?

I’m hoping to work with a lot of well-known companies who are incredibly specialist in the product line. We want to have more consumers so that we can reach many specialised hospitals.

Exist any brand-new products or services on the list? Do you have a story to tell that is exciting?

Remedevir was added during a pandemic and is the only medication available to treat the Covid 19 virus from Zydus Cadila. There was a huge disparity between supply and demand. However, we handled the matter in a morally sound and productive manner. We effectively supplied more than a lakh shots throughout Karnataka as a result of the German Remedies company’s confidence in us.

What duties do you consider an entrepreneur to have?

The following three key stakeholders are respected and cared for by us.

  • Customers – Identify the requirements and supply of the clients.
  • All workers receive excellent care, which aids in their success.
  • Payments to be made to all vendors as quickly as feasible.

Please give us a quick rundown of your work history.

I’ve worked in pharmaceutical sales and marketing for six years. During this time, I have increased my exposure to the specialized market.

What have been the highlights of your entrepreneurial journey?

Awards given in 2012, 2018, and 2017 include the Bharat Gaurav, Indian Brand, and Silicon India Retail Pharma.

Do you want to share a special client experience with us?

We have distinctive interactions with our clients. At 6:30 am, we personally picked up the customer’s orders, and by 10 am, we had delivered them. The client was so happy that he continued working with us after that.

How do you look after your employees? What sets your team apart?

We provide them with a welcoming workplace, a fulfilling job, and a competitive salary. To boost employee efficiency, we also provide training in a range of knowledge-based programmes. We’ll organize paid excursions and team-building activities.

Do you want to share a special client experience with us?

We have distinctive interactions with our clients. At 6:30 am, we personally picked up the customer’s orders, and by 10 am, we had delivered them. The client was so happy that he continued working with us after that.

How do you look after your employees? What sets your team apart?

We provide them with a welcoming workplace, a fulfilling job, and a competitive salary. To boost employee efficiency, we also provide training in a range of knowledge-based programmes. We’ll organize paid excursions and team-building activities.

Please provide us with a brief summary of your views on the current condition of the biotechnology and healthcare sectors.

  • Highest level of governmental commitment to investing in the healthcare industry
  • A change in viewpoint and behaviour
  • Sustainable social community healthcare initiatives
  • Increasing capability and sharpening abilities
  • Reducing medical costs with innovation and technology usage best practises Participatory approach with NGOs while swearing
  • Public healthcare infrastructure is being enhanced
  • Improve the working conditions for health professionals, especially those who operate in remote areas.
  • Increasing knowledge and providing patients more power

Which quotation strikes you as being the most inspiring?

A consumer is the most important visitor to our property. He is independent of us. We are dependent on him. He doesn’t in any way obstruct our work. He acts as its objective. He is not new to our business. He is connected to it. We are not doing him a service by serving him. He is doing us a favour by allowing us to do it.

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